Gill Foundation

The Leaders Making Colorado a National Model for Consumer Protections

October 4, 2024

Financial issues can be complicated. Often they are made purposefully complicated by those seeking to exploit them – a pattern we have seen time and time again from the predatory lending industry. Such lenders continue to push for policies and loopholes that allow them to take advantage of consumers. Fortunately, here in Colorado we have…

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What Are We For - Gill Foundation

It’s Easy to Say What We’re Against. What Are We For?

September 18, 2024

If the reactions to our country’s transformed presidential race have taught us anything, it’s that people desperately want to be for something. Too often, we’re defined by what we’re against. But this summer we saw a jolt of enthusiasm from people eager to be a part of something fresh, exciting, even joyful. Now I’ll admit,…

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Reflections on 50 Years of Denver Pride

June 21, 2024

Denise Whinnen, Director of Colorado Programs: Pride celebrations emerged from a history of LGBTQ resilience and resistance, born from the protests against police raids at New York’s Stonewall Inn in June 1969. For six days, the community bravely fought back, igniting a movement that would shape the future. The following year, the first Pride celebrations…

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Reversing the Damage of “Don’t Say Gay or Trans”

June 11, 2024

The courts have long been an important front in the fight for equality. Sometimes litigation is a means of expanding rights across the country, like we saw with Lawrence v. Texas, Obergefell v. Hodges, and Bostock v. Clayton County. Other times it is a means of defending against attacks and mitigating harms. Given the steady…

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Familiarity, Framing & the Power of Telling Our Stories

February 15, 2024

In the work to achieve LGBTQ equality, we are no strangers to the importance of sharing our stories. Storytelling is one of our strongest allies, crucial to every success we’ve had as a movement. Stories act as bridges, connecting us to each other and making the unfamiliar, familiar. Familiarity is the first step toward acceptance….

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The Progress We’ve Made – and Our Promise to LGBTQ Youth

January 25, 2024

I often hear mentors and friends in the LGBTQ community – people I trust and admire – share variations on a common sentiment: I know this moment feels bad, but I remember what it was like in the ‘90s, or the ‘70s, or the ‘50s. Believe it or not, things are better today. And we…

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A Mission to Preserve a Generation’s History

October 9, 2023

When Tim Gill started the Gill Foundation in 1994, he set out to change Colorado’s trajectory. Amendment 2 had passed two years earlier, writing anti-LGBTQ discrimination into Colorado’s constitution and securing its reputation as the “Hate State.” Tim’s goal was to turn this tide, beat back Amendment 2, and secure nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ people,…

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Against a Wave of Attacks on LGBTQ Youth, a Reason for Hope

September 18, 2023

Over the past few years, we’ve seen an unprecedented rise in attacks against LGBTQ Americans, especially transgender youth, peaking with more than 600 anti-LGBTQ bills filed in statehouses this year. We know these attacks are being peddled by bad-faith actors using LGBTQ people as pawns just to rile up their base. But I believe the…

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A Mother Reflects on Defending Her Family

May 12, 2023

Amber Briggle is a typical mom in a typical American family. She has a loving husband, two wonderful kids, and a supportive community in Denton, TX, where she runs her own small business. But Amber’s family has been forced into a political battle they never asked for. Amber describes herself as a “mama bear” of…

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A Path Forward for LGBTQ Equality

May 3, 2023

We live in a difficult moment in the march toward LGBTQ equality. In some ways, it’s a contradictory one. We’ve achieved greater acceptance and representation than ever before. But alongside growing visibility, we’ve experienced growing hostility. And a new wave of attacks is coming down hardest on some of our community’s most vulnerable: LGBTQ youth…

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